Dina and Gretel, two stray dogs for adoption

Dina-and-gretelDina and Gretel are sisters, they are about 7 months old, vaccinated and more than that EDUCATED. They know to sit, to stay when they are told to, they are beautiful and very energetic because they are young and very intelligent. 
Both need a responsible master, we do not intend to separate them so if you can adopt them together please contact us at: asociatia.robi@gmail.com

Buster in Ioana’s arm, his new owner

buster-si-ioanaBuster is one of Kiki’s 4 pups, he had the luck to be adopted by Ioana that liked him right when she first saw him. The little one doesn’t understand why he is kept in her arms and why he cannot go and play with his brothers; but he will soon understand that he arrived home where he will be better than ever. His new master wants to take him with her anywhere she will go so Buster will become a true family member even in vacations. Continue reading

Kiki, Buster, Babs, Dax and Allya playing

Kiki, or Puppymom as we call her, gave birth to four beautiful puppies in the unfriendliest crossroads possible. But she fed them and took care of them and raised them with love and care.
Puppies have been in our care for one month and a half now, they grew up nicely, had their shots, and now they’re eager to meet their new families. Buster is due to meet his owners tomorrow so fingers crossed for him! We secretly hope his owner will also adopt one of his brothers, which would make Buster so much happier! If you do like one of the pups and think you could adopt one, please let us know!

Dede la plaja.

Va amintiti desigur de catelusa gasita cu ceva timp in urma de noi la Dedeman. Micuta a avut norocul de a fi adoptata de Iulia si pentru asta a trebuit sa calatoreasca multi km. Chiar daca drumul a fost lung si stersant a meritat. Priviti ce viata duce.
Iti multumim Iulia.

Gita/Stisi si o adoptie de succes.

Gita este una dintre pisicutele salbatice capture cu mult timp in urma de pe terasa unui bloc din Piata 1 Mai. Din momentul capturarii a stat la noi cativa ani timp in care pisicuta a inceput sa accepte apropierea oamenilor. Ne pierdusem speranta ca ar putea fi adoptata definitiv ( fusese adoptata la un moment dat si imediat returnata) dar iata ca minunea s-a intamplat. Pentru aceasta minune ii aducem multumiri speciale Cristinei adoptatoarea pisicutei, care a avut rabdarea si perseverenta sa o determine pe Stisi sa fie o pisicuta educata si mult mai increzatoare in relatia cu oamenii. Continue reading

Pussy este o pisicuta norocoasa

Pe Pussy am gasit-o intr-o seara intr-o parcare. A mieunat slab cerand ajutor. Si ajutorul a venit. Am adus-o acasa si am inceput sa-i caut o familie care s-o ocroteasca tot restul vietii ei. Norocul ei s-a numit SofistiCat pentru ca in cadrul expozitiei de sambata trecuta micuta si-a gasit fericirea. A fost vazuta, placuta si adoptata. Vestile despre ea sunt bune, s-a adaptat si e tare fericita. Are si un loc preferat in care se ascunde si anume sifonierul. Continue reading