Today we had the pleasure of meeting Iris and Nadine . The two of them are members of a Switzerland nonprofit that decided a while ago to give our dogs a chance to a better life. Thanks to them, a few of our dogs are already on the way to Switzerland where they will be placed in foster care until adoption. Iris and Nadine have visited our dogs, and brought treats for them.
It was a great pleasure meeting them and, hopefully, they will come again.
Have a safe trip, wonderful ladies, and don’t forget to send us news about our puppies!
Thank you from all our hearts for the help you’re offering our animals.
(Română) Cateii de pe strada, la noi si la altii
(Română) Joy si pasii lui in Elvetia
(Română) S-a dat liber la eutanasie
(Română) Daca doriti sa ajutati
(Română) Tomichi & Chitz ne transmit salutari
Funky was released
Funky (as we named him) is a tomcat we took in our care from a family that has been evacuated from their home. They moved to a new location where the cat was not accepted so we were asked to help.
We agreed to take him but Funky strongly opposed to the changes made in his life. He hissed at everybody and even attacked the person cleaning his litterbox. Few days ago, he was neutered and today left his “room” at Cityvet. Continue reading
Spartacus after 5 weeks from the surgery
Spartacus had an accident on a Saturday night and got two of his legs broken. He was taken in pur care and hospitalized at Armeneasca clinic where he had a surgery on 31.20.2013
More details in the link below:
Five weeks after the surgery and the dog cannot use his legs. He moves around only when it’s necessary and walks on 2 legs. We don’t know why this is happening and he will be taken to have some rays next week. Continue reading
What’s your present on St Nicholas’ day?
We hope that St Nicholas has brought you many pleasent surprises. He brought us a female dog we found sneaked in one of our paddocks at the shelter. We don’t know her age or her problems but we will soon find out. He blue tongue shows traces of “nobility” in her. Why did her owners decide to dump her here is unknown to us. We do now that they might be poor as they left with a bag of empty cans (to sell) and a wooden door.
Until we figure out what is up with this little doggy, we wish her “Welcome, pretty lady” and hope she won’t be staying at the shelter for long.
If the thought of adoption crosses your mind, please contact us:
[email protected]
(Română) Diana si Mutritza diva rock ne ureaza : Sarbatori Fericite !
Avi – for adoption
This little (as seen in the picture, she is smaller than a cat), adult, neutered, slightly scared female dog, needs a home. She gets really attached to all the people who take care of her and follows them everywhere. She barks when someone shows up, so you would not need to worry about unwanted guests. If you like little Avi and want to adopt her, please call
021/327 27 22 Monday-Friday between 9-19 or Saturday between 9-16.
The beautiful Aimee has been adopted
The Beautiful cat Aimee has been adopted the second day we took her in. Now she is on the way to her home where there is another beautiful, same age tomcat waiting for her. We hope they’ll get along well and become best friends. We would like to thank Mr. Gheorghe S. for his determination and for taking such good care of his beloved animals. We look forward to hearing news about our little cat and her new friend.