Three beautiful girls. small sized -for adoption

cateluseleThis mommy and her 2 baby girls were abandoned. The mother was chased by the dogcatchers but managed to escape by taking a refuge in the yard she was banished from. Someone who knew their story contacted us and asked for help so they ended up in our care. The three girls are now at City Vet clinic. The mother was spayed and the two puppies received their first vaccine. 
They are all healthy, sociable, loving and in search of a forever home.
If you would like to adopt one of the girls please contact us:
You can support them by donating:

Asociatia pentru protectia animalelor Robi
CIF 13765439 BCR 2 
Cont RON: BCR 2 RO16RNCB0073049952070001 
Cont EURO: BCR 2 RO05RNCB0073049952070005 
Cont USD: BCR 2 RO32RNCB0073049952070004 
or by PayPal (available at
Thank you again for all the help given to the animals in our care.