Nimbus beautiful and sad..

NimbusWe saved Nimbus with great difficulty from the hot air ducts in the Patria Cinema, when he was a little kitten.  He was adopted soon after and for two years he has been living happily in his home. But a few days ago he was sent back to us, because someone in the family developed a very strong allergy and cannot tolerate him anymore.

Nimbus is now having some hard days: even though we are taking care of him and we try to make him feel better, he just can’t understand why he lost his home, and there are too many other cats around for him to be able to relax a little.

He is a well developed and handsome tomcat, talkative and gentle, and he urgently needs a new home. We believe he would also enjoy other cat’s company, to have as a playmate.
If you want to adopt him, contact us at