Special case. Little one needs help

This female dog was found on a field, where she was probably abandoned because of her health condition: she suffers from a vulva cancer. She will undergo surgery next week, under the medical care of dr Bercaru’s team.

You can help her by donating in this account:
Asociatia pentru protectia animalelor Robi
CIF 13765439                      BCR 2
Cont RON:   BCR 2 RO16RNCB0073049952070001
Cont EURO: BCR 2 RO05RNCB0073049952070005
Cont USD:   BCR 2 RO32RNCB0073049952070004
Or via PayPal (available on our website: www.4animals.ro)

She will also need to find a new home, so please share her album.
If you think that maybe you could adopt her, please contact us at:
Thank you very much for any help you can provide!