Special case. The Dog from Urziceni

Yesterday 23.11.2012 we received the following message:


I disturb you because I don’t know where to go to receive some help.

A month and a half ago, a dog with the back legs broken was thrown in the city’s garbage dump in Urziceni, Ialomita. I fed him and covered him when rained, but in one day a bulldozer flatten the mud from that garbage dump and he was thrown in a dried up riverbed. Continue reading

Special case: help for Mega!

Little Mega.. a 5 months old puppy dog, who bared in his life kicks from ones and others around the ‘Television’ area. More than that, he had the bad luck to be hit by a car and we found him with a back leg broken.
Still, he had the chance to be seen by someone near a Mega Image Supermarket, was taken and sheltered for a night and afterwards we took him in for medical treatment. Mega is hospitalized at Spiru Haret Clinic and had femoral surgery. He’ll stay in for a few days more, but after he really needs temporary shelter because there is no way for him to be taken at our shelter. Continue reading

Special case. Puppy with broken leg and hip

The little one was found lying, being injured in an accident. He has the basin broke and a broken leg and that means a long period of treatment and recovery. Bazil, like we called the little one, was operated at Spiru Haret  and will remain hospitalized for some time here. We need temporary accommodation for him or adoption. If someone likes it and wants to adopt him is asked to contact us at [email protected].

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Special case. Injured dog needs help

Another accident, another soul struggles, another yell for help. This dog had an accident (the vets conclusion) and because of the impact he has now wounds at the legs and a broken eyeball. The accident happened a few days ago since he found shelter inside the Belvedere A1 students shelter (the home of the medicine faculty) and among all those who prepare to become doctors only a lady thought to do something for this poor dog. So she contacted us asking for help. Continue reading

Idu – a special case for special people

Idu was hospitalized at City Vet to remove one of his eyeballs. Actually he was left without an eye. For the remaining eye there is hope he will be able to see something after other surgeries. We need a lot of help starting from tomorrow for a foster until he recovers. Could any of you give him a hand? He is a good and unpretentious tomcat.

If you can foster his for a period of time, please send us an e-mail at [email protected]

If he have been spayed, he wouldn’t be in this situation

Life of a stray dog is sad and often they endure pain that is hard to imagine. 
This is an old dog that managed to survive the system. He lived a hole life on the streets, without any special care from somebody. He got into a hard situation. Thousands of people might have seen him. Nobody thought to take him into their arms and carry him to the first veterinary clinic to release him from the weight he carried. 

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