
27654722_1883033178435896_8450322200353729091_nGender: Female
Date of birth: December 2013
Size: Medium
Neutered: YES

Polka’s story started a few months ago. Her mother came out of nowhere and took shelter near an apartment building where she would get some food from time to time. No one thought of neutering her so she gave birth to 4 beautiful puppies on a street that was extremely exposed to dangers.
Because a local resident decided to call the dog catchers to remove the small family from the premises, a kind-hearted lady took them in. She could not keep them and they would have met a tragic fate in the street, so we stepped in and took all five of them in our care.
Polka is a beautiful, cuddly, playful and loving doggy. It is hard to see her living in a small, cramped pen with no human to give her the attention she so deserves since she is such a wonderful and affectionate doggy and an eligible companion.
We want to see her in a yard where she can frolic around.
If you would like to make our dream come true please write to us to: [email protected] 

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