Gender: Male
Date of birth: March 2015
Size: Medium – Large
Neutered: YES
A while ago we mentioned we had collected two puppies from a sinkhole in a field where there are many feral dogs.
Later we found another puppy whose condition was serious. He was dehydrated and only had 33 degrees. The little one was admitted to the Dr. Bercaru Clinic, treated and to our joy saved.
Mucky was adopted yet returned rather quickly because of his aggressive behavior towards the visitors of the adoptive family. It is incomprehensible to us how he could have possibly lunged to attack his master’s friend, since he had not shown any aggression towards any person in the shelter.
As you can see he is a very nice, well behaved and well mannered doggy. He may not have reached the right family for him so we are still trying to find the one for him.
If you like this magnificent doggy and want to adopt him contact us at: [email protected]