
31961128_2002988893106990_1679363046306217984_oGender: Male
Date of birth: March 2015
Size: Medium
Neutered: YES

One bleak day, my owner, an elderly poor woman put me in a dirty bag and left me on a street in Bucharest. I managed to get out of the bag and ran after my master but unfortunately I lost track of her, so I went back to the bag and every time somebody passed me, I would follow them hoping they would take me home. This went on for a few hours, but to no avail and then some people started chasing me because they wanted to catch me.
I might be small but I am fast and they couldn’t catch me at first. Those people kept telling me to let myself get caught by them because otherwise I would risk being caught by the dog catchers and this would end up bad for me. I didn’t understand what the thing with the dog catchers was so I held on tight and they chased me until I got tired of running away.
Now I understand that I was lucky and I thank my rescuers for not giving up on me until they caught me.
They also told me they would promote me for the purpose of adoption. Does that mean, what I think it means, that I will go home one day? Well this is the dream of any doggy, to live with his family that he loves and defends from all evils.
You might have figured out that my name’s Body which is short for bodyguard of course, for I am ready to defend my family even at the price of my life. I’m shy but with love many things can change.
You can find me at::

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