Dodolina / Mica “living the high life”

dodoSix months have passed since our Dodolina arrived HOME. Her „parents” didn’t forget us and they, once again, sent us news about the sweet doggy. Here is what the adoptive parents say to us:
Tiny is now totally accommodated. Extremelly loving, warm and friendly, both with humans and other dogs, and with Cezar, the other „son” she’s living a real love story. They are very happy together!
She got used with the car (she really likes to watch the trucks, she sits with her nose glued to the window when we pass one), she really likes to walk outside (she is the one that makes us to go out, when it’s time). A really amazing news is that the condition of her tail miraculously improved! She keeps it very fierce and she started to move it a lot, which influences the spine pozition, her posture and the way she walks. She runs all over the place. I don’t expect that it will be 100% repaired, but I am glad to see that the nerve endings began to recover, even partially.”
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the news and please don’t forget us.