Welcome Olivia! Farewell Ben and Shrek!

Who is Olivia?

She is a good friend that since she knew our goals couldn’t just stay and do nothing. She founded an association that has the purpose of promoting the dogs we take care of and finding right families for them. This is her scope and we can say she succeeded. Tens of animals found the life of everybody’s dreams, due to Olivia. She is very careful at details and this make her so successful in the adoptions she mediated. Thank you Olivia because you exist, because you are a good friend of our animals and thank God we met you.

The news and photos received from you regarding the dogs adopted with your help are one of the few joys we have.

Today Olivia came in the shelter to see the dogs she knows and the new arrivals. Near Olivia you can see Anca Zelle, another good friend that help us and gathers donations for us. Thank you Anca from all our hearts for the help you give us.

Also today, Shrek and Ben left the shelter toward their families. Tomorrow we might enjoy Olivia’s presence in the shelter and we will make a lot more pictures.

Click here to see more photos.