Jurnal de voluntar. O sambata cam ca oricare alta…

O zi “normala” de weekend pentru voluntarii Robi: se trezesc mai devreme decat si-ar fi dorit, hranesc multele animale de acasa, curata litiere sau isi scot cateii la o plimbare matinala in parc si pe urma se pregatesc de mers la adapost. Intotdeauna insa se mai iveste si altceva. Astazi, inainte sa ajungem la adapost, am mers sa prindem niste pisici pentru a le steriliza (nu cu prea mult noroc dar mai insistam), am trecut pe la un cabinet veterinar pentru a eutanasia un porumbel in suferinta si fara sanse de recuperare, am dat o fuga pe la altii dintre cateii nostri pentru o sesiune foto, am luat mancare, am ajuns la adapost. Continue reading

Eu ii iubesc, nu ii arunc

“Eu ii iubesc, nu ii arunc” ne-a spus stapana acestor doua pisicute si nu-i de mirare ca spune adevarul chiar daca micutele sunt aproape oarbe. Ieri le-am gasit pe micute in curtea unei doamne cu posibilitati modeste. I-am propus doamnei sa sterilizam pisica mama si cele doua pisicute si desigur sa vedem daca se mai poate face ceva cu ochisorii lor. Am fost placut surprinsi sa avem acordul doamnei. 
Cele doua surori sunt internate la City vet unde primesc toate ingrijirile medicale si desigur vor fi si sterilizate. Continue reading

Mesaj primit azi pe mail

“deci… dupa cum spune si subiectu, DIN NOU apelez la dvs si va dau un mail cu aceeasi problema. CAINII DIN PARCARE !! cred ca au fost sterilizati, daca nu ma insel au toti “cercel” . de bine ce le merge astora, li s-au mai alaturat 2. in seara asta, cainele meu mai ca il manca pe ultimu venit ! prostu statea in nasu lui si al meu facea ca toti dracii posedati din lume! iar ala asa calm gen ” prostule esti legat! ” . a iesit un vecin speriat a crezut ca se omoara cineva in scara ! stiti ce mi-a spus vecinul? ” dar da-i drumu in ei F*tu*e cainii ……. ” numai continui. si pentru moment asta mi-a trecut si mie prin minte. sa ii dau drumu in toata haita de caini si sa ma uit cum ii face bucati bucatele pe toti! REPET! iubesc animalele, dar nu intr-atat incat sa ii iau acasa pe toti sau sa stau sa ii pup in bot toata ziua. Continue reading

Please do not disturb

Please do not disturb. As you can see I am too small and I am not allowed to be stressed. I drank my milk and now I have to sleep. I appreciate the fact that Aurora Sasu’s team feeds me, shelters me and looks after me but I am a respectable pup and I cannot live in a cage so I am waiting for requests and offers for a better life.
So who wants to offer me a home? I will offer in exchange all my love.
I wait for requests at asociatia.robi@gmail.com. Say “for the smallest from Robi”.

17 from Robi’s Cats before lunch

Each morning 17 of our cats sing in a choir: “Good morning! Where’s breakfast? We’re hungry!” They can hardly wait for their wet food, they simply love it. Unfortunately we’ll soon run out of canned food, so we’ll have to find a way to get some more.

Most of the cats kept in this enclosure are semi wild or even entirely wild. Only three of them are docile: Fly, Sally and Lilly. Nobody ever wanted to adopt Sally, although he is such a sweet and loving tomcat. Fly and Lilly are docile only in our presence, that’s why their adoption is impossible. Continue reading

Free neutering for the dogs with or without owner

Dear animal lovers please do not forget that neutering is the only civilized method to decrease the number of stray animals. You may neuter FOR FREE dogs with and without owners in Bucharest at the clinics that are in partnership with the Bucharest City Hall. Access the link below to see all the clinics that neuter for free.

The female dog from this album was neutered at Bimbo Vet clinic and we were really pleased with everything. She is feeling well and the surgery was really FREE

The paralyzed little one and thanks to Oana P

Mika was abandoned in a box near a group of other puppies that were looked after by a lady with a golden soul. Because Mika cannot use her back legs she was hospitalized, checked and treated. Her luck is that her spine is not broken and the vets give her chances to recover. She needs lots of attention and care while she recovers, exercises too. Mika is in foster care until 28th of aprile 2013 and for this we really thank Oana P. who offered to help her.

Starting with that date we shall need again foster care for her. If you can help her at least with foster care please contact us at asociatia.robi@gmail.com

Three puppied saved with the Local Police’s help

A man without a heart thought to get rid of 3 pups and abandoned them in a tram. This is no joke because this really happened. A tram driver found in the tram he was driving 3 little small pups. He immediately asked for the help of local police. They responded and tried to find a solution for them so they called us and after we recovered from the shock of hearing this we took the little travelers.
Now they are placed in a volunteer’s bathroom so this is only a temporary solution.
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Abby needs foster or adoption

The little one from the image has only 3 months and urgently needs temporary accommodation until adoption. Tomorrow morning she will be taken to a veterinary clinic and until the late evening she needs a temporary master until she will be adopted. The little one is a bit fearful, but being small will quickly get used to the idea that people are also good, not just bad, so she will quickly give up fear.
  If you can host her temporary, please contact us at asociatia.robi@gmail.com

Fearless Gonzales – for adoption

Hola! I’m Gonzales, distant relative of the famous Speedy Gonzales. What do you think? It means that you did not see what sprints I make among cars, how I discover every garbage and how I fight for every caress.

Heavy body and short legs are not the best combination, so I it’s very hard for me to handle alone on the street. If you know someone who would like to give me a chance, please tell me.  Continue reading

I want HOME

Please help me to reach my own home. I want to meet my family, to invite them to play, I want to show them what a cheerful and lively puppy I am. I want to show them how much I love them.
Will you help me to see my dreams come true?